Cocon is a brain functions assessment game which Professor Hyunjoo Song (Department of Specialized Therapeutic Technology, Graduate School, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea), a highly experienced clinical psychologist with expertise in psychological assessment and treatment, and her research team developed with the technical support of HUNO. The research grant was provided under the Brain Science Source Technology Development Project (Project No. 2017M3C7A1031974, Lead supervisor: Hae Jeong Park, professor, Yonsei University School of Medicine) of the Ministry of Science and ICT. Cocon is a game that evaluates your control of attention and concentration ability among the various brain functions. The research team developed Cocon to figure out common bran activities that are revealed by a large number of people while playing the game.
You will play an interesting game to figure out the thief who stole a painting by breaking into a museum with the given clues. Your attention and concentration control ability will be evaluated after you figure out the criminal based on all the given clues and answer the questions presented at the end. However, this evaluation is not a professional diagnostic evaluation. Please regard the evaluation result as reference information for your brain functions. If this game reveals that your attention and concentration control ability is below the average of your age group, please seek a professional evaluation by visiting a specialized institution.